Sunday, April 28, 2019

The book is complete!

I finished it and it's going to be published on May 1st!  I had originally planned on May 10th, but I finished it early and decided to push the date forward.  It's exciting to see and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

"What Brazil Did to My Hair: Thoughts on a Mormon Mission" will be available on Amazon Kindle and paperback

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

One Month Left

The countdown has begun! One month until the book goes live on Amazon!  I created the pre-order page and it is up and running.  The book will be available for download on May 10th.  I have also created my author page on Amazon.  Not much is on there right now, but hopefully it will eventually be the home to several books!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Completing the book

I've set a goal to finish the Mission Journal book by May 10th.  I have started the process to publish with Amazon Publisher and should be able to release the book in paperback and on the Kindle the same day.  I am nearly complete with the manuscript and am feeling pretty good about it!  We'll see if anyone ends up actually reading the thing!