Monday, December 2, 2019

To Touch a Life with Faith - Elder Eyring, Oct 1995

by Henry B. Eyring
October 1995 General Conference

"He will make you a fisher of men, however inadequate you may feel now. It won’t be done by a mysterious process. It will be the natural result of your choosing to follow him. Just think about what you must do to be a fisher of men, to touch lives with faith for him. You will need to love the people you serve. You will need to be humble and full of hope. You will need to have the Holy Ghost as your companion to know when to speak and what to say and how to testify."

Always Remember Him - Elder Eyring, Apr 1995

by Henry B. Eyring
April 1995 General Conference 

"And if those who hear will take the Savior’s name upon them and always remember him, and keep his commandments, they will finally come to him and he will take them home to his Father and our Father, where we may live forever in families."

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Let There Be Light

I wrote a song this year - my first one.  I wanted the Primary children to sing something new for the Primary Program this year, and I came up with a short song that I combined with "I am Like A Star".  We did a few different "mash-ups" for the program, and you can read more here.  I later wrote a few more verses, but only have a recording of the first verse.

1) The earth in the beginning
was dark and without light
but a plan had been prepared
for us to come

We knew we would be tested
to choose from wrong and right
and a path was giv'n
to guide us safely home

2) Our parents in the garden
Father Adam, Mother Eve
Made the choice that gave us
all a chance to live;

A body for our spirit
is everything we'd need
to create the light that
we can freely give.

3)We have a living prophet
to guide us in our day
And he helps us to see
what we can become;

We also have a family,
our closest source of light,
and can live with them
eternally as one.

Let there be light
and let the whole world see
the promises that He
has made are true

May I shine bright
and may I always be
a source of light
my whole life through.

To Draw Closer to God - Elder Eyring, Apr 1991

by Henry B. Eyring
April 1991 General Conference

"God is perfect and omnipotent, and you and I are mortal. But he is our Father, he loves us, and he offers the same opportunity to draw closer to him as would a loving friend. And you will do it in much the same way: speaking, listening, and doing."