Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.
The LDS Church has just completed 3 years worth of filming to create a series of short films based on the New Testament. There is an article in the Deseret News talking about the project and the effort that went into creating the nearly 100 films.
The films themselves can be found on the website, or on apps for your phone or tablet.
The question for the Aaronic Priesthood lesson, “What has President Monson taught Aaronic Priesthood holders?”, and the associated content is something I have thought about putting together for President Hinckley. The suggestion is to use the last few General Conference addresses by President Monson to the Priesthood Session:
I always enjoy the talk by the Prophet at the Priesthood Session, and think that looking at them over the last 20-30 years you would certainly see patterns and areas of focus that repeat themselves and also demonstrate how to best prepare for the future.
There are two video resources for this lesson. The first is “A Priesthood Duty” and the focus is on missionary work:
The second is called “Dare to Stand Alone” and tells the story of an experience President Monson had at boot camp when he followed the advice of an old Primary song:
The scriptures contain the word of God. Latter-day prophets counsel us to study the scriptures every day, both individually and with our families. Studying the scriptures can help us know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, give us power to resist temptation, and strengthen us in our challenges.
The focus is on Prophets and Revelation, and it seems pretty easy to get conversations going on either topic without much prompting. One of the things I am enjoying this year is that the lesson topic/question itself often starts enough of a conversation to get through a good deal of material simply by asking it as it is written in the lesson outline.
I also like that the topics are updated with recent conference talks, to include the April 2013 General Conference. I was surprised to see one of the talks as a reference just a few weeks after it was given in conference! It helps to integrate the most recent messages, and also gives an opportunity to learn more about the speaker.
The question for the lesson this week is “How can I strengthen my testimony?” and begins with the following thought:
A testimony is a spiritual witness of the truth given by the Holy Ghost. As members of the Church, we have sacred opportunity and responsibility to obtain our own testimonies. If we seek a testimony through study, prayer, and living the gospel, the Holy Ghost will help us know for ourselves that the gospel is true.
The scriptures for the lesson include the following:
John 7:16–17 (If we do the Lord’s will, we will gain a testimony)
Welcome to my blog! I have decided to put together a collection of thoughts, lessons, links and other resources related to my experiences and callings in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith. (D&C 88:118)
As with most blogs, this is not officially affiliated with any organization and represents only my own personal thoughts and perspective. Enjoy!