The lesson plans for the Aaronic Priesthood in “Come Follow Me” for the month of May include the following questions:
- Why is it important to study the scriptures? (Duty to God)
- Why is it important to listen to and follow the living prophets?
- How do I receive personal revelation?
- How can I make my prayers more meaningful?
- How can I strengthen my testimony?
- What has President Monson taught Aaronic Priesthood holders?
- How can a patriarchal blessing help me?
The focus is on Prophets and Revelation, and it seems pretty easy to get conversations going on either topic without much prompting. One of the things I am enjoying this year is that the lesson topic/question itself often starts enough of a conversation to get through a good deal of material simply by asking it as it is written in the lesson outline.
I also like that the topics are updated with recent conference talks, to include the April 2013 General Conference. I was surprised to see one of the talks as a reference just a few weeks after it was given in conference! It helps to integrate the most recent messages, and also gives an opportunity to learn more about the speaker.