“With the exception of the words of Christ himself, no speech in sacred literature, in our opinion, surpasses that of King Benjamin. Delivered at the temple in the city of Zarahemla around 124 BC, this text is a treasure trove in inspiration, wisdom, eloquence, and profound spiritual experience and insight. Little wonder that Mormon saw fit to include this speech as he complied the most significant Nephite records into the Book of Mormon…That oration was a landmark in its own day, and it still stands as a shining beacon of truth and goodness in our day.” (John W. Welch, and Stephen D. Ricks, King Benjamin’s Speech: Made Simple, p. vii)
“Many readers have intuitively sensed the profundity of its message. Elder Bruce R. McConkie found that it contained ‘what well may be the greatest sermon ever delivered on the atonement of Christ the Lord.’ Milton R. Hunter marveled at King Benjamin, observing that ‘perhaps no other teacher except the Master has given a more beautiful, humble sermon.’…
“Memorable oratory is dramatic. ‘Truly great oratory,’ it is said, ‘is the result only of a great occasion.’ The setting timing, and delivery of Benjamin’s speech make it no ordinary, off-the-cuff conversation. His counsel and testimony were delivered in a powerfully dramatic setting that even today attracts the reader’s attention and contributes to its literary effectiveness.” (John W. Welch, King Benjamin’s Speech: Made Simple, pp. 51, 58)