Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Building Our Family through Home Evenings

This week we started using the Family Home Evening Resource manual for our weekly FHE lesson.  For now, we have just decided to go in order, so we began with Lesson 1: Building Our Family through Home Evenings.

The lesson opens with the following:
Before we were born, we lived in a family. There we were loved and taught. As we grew in knowledge and understanding, we wanted to become like our Heavenly Father. We wanted to share in his joys. We wanted a family of our own. Our Heavenly Father also wanted us to be able to have families of our own. He sent us to earth to get our bodies, to test us, and to train us to be parents eternally. This is what godhood means. 
After we come to earth we can begin to develop our own eternal families. If we succeed with our families in this life, we may return with them to our Heavenly Father. Then we will establish our own heavenly homes and be able to continue to have families. This is our Heavenly Father’s plan for us and the highest reward we can receive. He has made it possible for us to return to him, to be with our earthly family, and to become gods and goddesses, having families forever.
We noted that it puts heavy emphasis on the parenthood aspect of godhood.  I think this is a very unique concept that we believe as Mormons, and it definitely puts all of the elements of earthly life into a different perspective.   I have recently become a father, and love it more than anything!

We sang "Love is Spoken Here" as our song for the night: