Come, Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 1
December 30 - January 6
The first lesson of the new year and the new program! This lesson serves as an introduction to the new program that was introduced in the October 2018 General Conference, and begins a new year of home-centered gospel study. It also will be our first lesson as part of the new 2 hour block for church tomorrow.
The intro states the following:
The purpose of Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families is to help you come unto Christ and become more deeply converted to His gospel. This resource can help you understand the scriptures and find in them the spiritual strength you and your family need. Then, in your Church classes, you will be prepared to share insights and encourage your fellow Saints in their efforts to follow Christ.A helpful set of resources can be found here. It includes a link to a video that talks about the importance of taking sacred things seriously and the value of keeping a journal.