Sunday, February 3, 2019

"Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord"

Today was Week 5 for the Come Follow Me program, and the theme was "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord".  In Primary today, I selected "Baptism" as our focus song.  I had originally just been thinking of using it today to talk about baptism, but after singing it I think we might make it a part of our Primary Program in the fall. 

The children have been enjoying singing "Come, Follow Me" each week, or at least the first verse.  My plan was to try and add a verse each month so they are familiar with most of them by the end of the year.  I think in the Primary Program we will end up singing 2-3 and then the congregation will join in on a few verses at the end of the program.

We also practiced "Scripture Power" today.  I'd like to have them learn it well enough to sing in Sacrament Meeting on March 10th.  If it doesn't seem like they have it down, we might end up singing something from last year's program that they know pretty well.  We will see how the next few weeks go.

I'm enjoying the new 20 minutes of singing.  It really isn't a change from what I have been doing in the past, but for some reason it feels different.  Today finally felt like a good balance between old songs and new songs in Jr. Primary, and I've been mixing in some "Wiggle Songs" between the new songs and it seems to be working well.