Sunday, June 30, 2019

I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go - Elder Oaks, Oct 2002

by Dallin H. Oaks
October 2002 General Conference

"We have a great tradition of unselfish service in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Indeed, one of the distinguishing characteristics of this Church is the fact that we have no paid or professional clergy in our thousands of local congregations and in the regional stakes, districts, and missions that oversee them. As an essential part of God’s plan for His children, the leadership and work of His Church is provided by His children who give their time freely for the service of God and their fellowmen."

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Gospel in Our Lives - Elder Oaks, April 2002

by Dallin H. Oaks
April 2002 General Conference

"The Church gives us opportunities to serve the Lord and our fellowmen. If given in the right way and for the right reasons, that service will reward us beyond anything we have given."

Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Kybalian and Hermetism

I started reading The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy last week and it has been interesting.  I can't remember exactly how I found it - I think it was something on Twitter that led me to something else on Wikipedia that led me to downloading the book on my Kindle.

The Wikipedia page on Hermetism has a section on Mormonism and the attempts that some scholars have made to link early Mormonism and Hermetism.

While it may not have been a direct influence, it's interesting to read the seven points, or principles, of Hermetism:
  1. Principle of Mentalism
  2. Principle of Correspondence
  3. Principle of Vibration
  4. Principle of Polarity
  5. Principle of Rhythm
  6. Principle of Cause and Effect
  7. Principle of Gender