Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Kybalian and Hermetism

I started reading The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy last week and it has been interesting.  I can't remember exactly how I found it - I think it was something on Twitter that led me to something else on Wikipedia that led me to downloading the book on my Kindle.

The Wikipedia page on Hermetism has a section on Mormonism and the attempts that some scholars have made to link early Mormonism and Hermetism.

While it may not have been a direct influence, it's interesting to read the seven points, or principles, of Hermetism:
  1. Principle of Mentalism
  2. Principle of Correspondence
  3. Principle of Vibration
  4. Principle of Polarity
  5. Principle of Rhythm
  6. Principle of Cause and Effect
  7. Principle of Gender