Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Armour of God - Come Follow Me

This week's Come Follow Me lesson is on Ephesians - "For the Perfecting of the Saints".  It covers the epistle Paul wrote to the Ephesians and focuses on keeping the church holy.

It begins with a discussion on predestination, and what role that plays in our mortal life here on earth:
Although no one is predestined to be saved or not saved, modern revelation teaches that some were chosen or “foreordained” in the premortal world to fulfill certain responsibilities here on earth. This includes the responsibility that all Latter-day Saints have to share the gospel and help all of God’s children on both sides of the veil come to Christ.
One of the key passage of Ephesians talks about the armor of god.  In the 90's, as part of Seminary the Church of Jesus Christ produced a video that related the armor of god to modern day situations.  It was pretty well done: