Tuesday, April 13, 2021

"To Turn Them Aside"

From Elder Oaks, in a talk entitled "Opposition in All Things":
God rarely infringes on the agency of any of His children by intervening against some for the relief of others. But He does ease the burdens of our afflictions and strengthen us to bear them, as He did for Alma’s people in the land of Helam (see Mosiah 24:13–15). He does not prevent all disasters, but He does answer our prayers to turn them aside, as He did with the uniquely powerful cyclone that threatened to prevent the dedication of the temple in Fiji; or He does blunt their effects, as He did with the terrorist bombing that took so many lives in the Brussels airport but only injured our four missionaries.


Saturday, April 10, 2021

"I am called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ"

 Come, Follow Me, April 5-11

We have all been called to preach the gospel, and we all have the opportunity to do our part and know that we will be led and guided by the Lord.
And your whole labor shall be in Zion, with all your soul, from henceforth; yea, you shall ever open your mouth in my cause, not fearing what man can do, for I am with you. (D&C 30:11)

It's nice to know that we are not alone when we are sharing something so personal with others.  There are many examples of those who have gone before us as well, and how we can be guided in the work that we do.  President Russell M. Nelson and Sister Wendy Nelson spoke at the Worldwide Devotional for Youth on June 3rd, 2018 in a talk called "Hope of Israel".  President Nelson shared the following:

I promise you that if you will sincerely and persistently do the spiritual work needed to develop the crucial, spiritual skill of learning how to hear the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, you will have all the direction you will ever need in your life. You will be given answers to your questions in the Lord’s own way and in His own time.

Friday, April 9, 2021

"Open your mouth to declare my gospel"

Come, Follow Me - April 5–11. Doctrine and Covenants 30–36

A great lesson on missionary work and the importance of sharing the gospel. The lesson shares the idea that, "If you know enough to to accept the restored gospel by baptism, you know enough to share it with others."  And it's true that once you have a testimony of the gospel and have decided to join the church through baptism, you can certainly share that with friends and family, and really with everyone around you  

Therefore, thrust in your sickle with all your soul, and your sins are forgiven you, and you shall be laden with sheaves upon your back, for the laborer is worthy of his hire.

Missionary work and sharing the gospel help us to do our part in establishing Zion and preparing the world for the second coming.  I am grateful for the opportunity I had to serve as a full time missionary in Sao Paulo, Brazil and I am grateful that I have the opportunity today to share my testimony with those around me   

Thursday, April 8, 2021

April 2021 General Conference

This past weekend The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held it's annual General Conference.  The conference takes place over two days, with five separate 2 hour sessions.  The talks and music have all been posted on the church website, and I am exited to be able to review each of them!

I am also excited to listen and read conference in French!  I have been studying French this past 6 months, and look forward to being able to study and learn from the messages in a new language.  You can often get something new out of the same thing in two different languages due to slight variations in translation or meaning, or with certain ways that things might be expressed.   I served a mission in Sao Paulo, Brazil years ago, and have been able to maintain a pretty decent level of understanding of Portuguese, and hope to be able to get to a similar level in French.