In the April 2021 General Conference, Elder Bednar gave a talk about "The Principles of My Gospel". I taught an Elders Quorum lesson today based on that talk, and wanted to share a few things I learned.
The first thing I saw more clearly today was the distinction between Doctrine and Principles (as well as Applications). Elder Bednar describes doctrine as: "A truth of salvation revealed by a loving Heavenly Father." He then describes principles as: "A doctrinally based guideline for the righteous exercise of moral agency."
Focusing on learning about Doctrine led me to the Seminar section of the Church website, where I found the "Doctrinal Mastery Core Document". This document lays out 9 different topics:
- The Godhead
- The plan of salvation
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ
- The Restoration
- Prophets and revelation
- Priesthood and priesthood keys
- Ordinances and covenants
- Marriage and family
- Commandments