Friday, August 24, 2018

Joy Cometh in the Morning - Oct 1986

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1986 General Conference

This talk title comes from Psalms 30:5 and discusses ways in which we can find true joy.
In order to experience true joy in the morning, or at any time, at least three factors are needed. You need to feel good about the people with whom you live and work—your companions in life. You must feel good about yourself—not in any sense of conceit, but simply a proper esteem for yourself, well deserved. And possibly most important, you must feel good about your relation to God and sincerely love him.

In the Lord's Own Way - April 1986

by Russell M. Nelson
April 1986 General Conference
Every person so baptized who receives the gift of the Holy Ghost, which seals the ordinance, is under solemn covenant with the Lord to obey his commandments. Caring for the poor is one of those commandments.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Reverence for Life - April 1985

Reverence for Life - April 1985 General Conference

In this talk, President Nelson gives a very clear explanation of the Church's view on abortion.  He goes through the various arguments people make in favor of abortion, and gives a rebuttal to each of them.
Yes, life is precious! No one can cuddle a cherished newborn baby, look into those beautiful eyes, feel the little fingers, and caress that miraculous creation without deepening reverence for life and for our Creator.
This talk was given over 30 years go, and still feels very relevant to the deabte today.

Monday, August 20, 2018

FHE - I Am A Child of God

Sing “I Am a Child of God”
Each of us is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents. We lived with them before we were born. Our Heavenly Father knows us personally and loves us. (See Psalm 82:6; Acts 17:28–29; Hebrews 12:9.) 

Scripture Story

Explain that Moses was a great prophet who lived a long time ago. Tell the children that Moses went to a mountain to pray. Invite the children to pretend to climb a mountain; then have them fold their arms as if praying. Open the Pearl of Great Price to Moses 1:4 and say, “God said to Moses, ‘Behold, thou art my son.’ ” Explain that Moses learned that he was a child of God.

Show the picture below, point to a child in the picture, and ask, “Is this person a child of God?” Nod and say yes. Repeat for each child in the picture. Then point to yourself and ask, “Am I a child of God?” Nod and say yes. Emphasize that everyone is a child of God and He knows and loves us all.

We are all children of God and He knows and loves us.

The Name of the Church

A few days ago, President Russell M. Nelson made a statement regarding the name of the Church:
The Lord has impressed upon my mind the importance of the name He has revealed for His Church, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We have work before us to bring ourselves in harmony with His will. In recent weeks, various Church leaders and departments have initiated the necessary steps to do so. Additional information about this important matter will be made available in the coming months.
It reminds me of the update to the design of the church logo in the 90's.  A similar emphasis was placed at that time in using the full name and the importance of remembering that Jesus Christ is the head of the church.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

President Russel M. Nelson in General Conference

I was thinking the other day it would be nice to go back and read all of President Nelson's talks from General Conference over the past years.  I remember doing the same for President Hinckley, focusing particularly on his talks during the Priesthood Session.  It was good to see some of the patterns of things he talked about and to really get a feel of what he finds important.

It's pretty easy on the LDS website to find all of his talks in one place:

It does look like it isn't set up yet in the "New Experience" though, although maybe I just need to explore it a bit more.