Monday, August 13, 2018

FHE - Nurturing Love at Home

Tonight for Family Home Evening we plan to use this short video and blog post for our discussion.

Families come in more varieties than flowers in a garden—big, small, tall, not as tall, and everything in between. Our particular variety may look different than what we might think of as the ideal family, but each one has its own beauty, challenges, and unique family culture. We may love spending time with our families or struggle to carry on a conversation; our families may be our best friends, or perhaps we may find ourselves wishing that our family relationships were stronger.

No matter the state of our family relationships, we can always strive to create love at home—to do the small and simple things to nurture our relationships with the people who matter most to us. Living prophets and apostles have reminded us of things we can do to create an environment for love to flourish in our families and homes.
 "Love at Home" will be our song. And I made cookies last night so the treat is already done! It will be a nice night!