Friday, August 10, 2018

Mission Journal - 20 Years Later

I've been meaning to start this project for nearly 20 years - longer than even blogs have existed haha! But the idea behind the book/journal has been in my mind for a long time, and it is finally time to get it down on paper. The source material is already written and typed - what is left is the organizing and contextualizing of the story.

My goal in writing is to share my experiences as an LDS (Mormon) Missionary in Brazil as well as my thoughts and experiences after my mission and how the mission shaped who I am today. It is written with a few different audiences in mind - first, myself and my family, second, prospective missionaries, and third, everyone else :) I hope it is valuable and I know that at least for me there will be a sense of accomplishment in finishing something I started so long ago. Enjoy!