Monday, December 31, 2018

A Testimony of the Book of Mormon - October 1999

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1999 General Conference

President Nelson issued a challenge in October at General Conference during the Women's Session to invite all of the sisters to read the Book of Mormon by the end of 2018.  I decided that even though I wasn't a sister, I could still take the invitation and try and reach the challenge - well today I did it!  I finished the last part of Ether and all of Moroni today and was able to meet my goal!  It feels good and it was the fastest I have read the Book of Mormon in a long time!

In this talk given in 1999, then Elder Nelson encourages us:
When you read the Book of Mormon, concentrate on the principal figure in the book—from its first chapter to the last—the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.
He points out that the Book of Mormon truly serves as a testament of Jesus Christ and His divine role, and contains the fullness of the gospel.  I am grateful for the Book of Mormon and love to read the sermons and teachings it contains.  Recently, I have started reading it with a greater eye on the concept of "grace" and have found that many of the chapters that may have sounded somewhat "harsh" in the past (Alma 5 for example) now sound so much more comforting with the idea of us truly relying on the Savior's grace in all we do.  

Saturday, December 29, 2018

2019 Primary Hand-outs - Week 1

This year I am planning to put together a weekly handout to distribute to the Primary Children each week to give them some guidance on what songs we will be learning and what songs they can work on together as a family during the week.  This is my sample for Week 1:

We will be learning "Come Follow Me" during Primary Music time on January 6th.  I will be giving these out this Sunday (Dec 30th) so they will have the week to practice the song.  The other songs are suggestions that go along with the topic for the week that we are encouraged to study individually and as a family, under the topic "We are responsible for our own learning".

I also plan to post on Facebook in our ward page about the songs we will be singing, with links to the music either on or on YouTube.  Hopefully this is helpful to families this year as they study the gospel together!

We Are Children of God - October 1998

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1998 General Conference

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Spiritual Capacity - October 1997

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1997 General Conference

"An infant’s body is tiny, and its spiritual capacities are undeveloped. While the body may reach the peak of its maturation in a few years, the development of the spirit may never reach the limit of its capacity, because there is no end to progression."

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Perfection Pending - October 1995

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1995 General Conference

"We all need to remember: men are that they might have joy—not guilt trips! We also need to remember that the Lord gives no commandments that are impossible to obey. But sometimes we fail to comprehend them fully."

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Latter-day Prophets - Updated for 2018

This year one of the songs I taught in Primary was "Latter-day Prophets".  The kids did a great job and picked up on everything really well!  We sang the updated version with President Nelson added to the end, although I did change it a bit from the way it is printed on  The recording we made was so the kids could practice for the Primary Program.

Children of the Covenant - April 1995

by Russell M. Nelson
April 1995 General Conference

"Today it is possible to immunize individuals against conditions that once were disabling—even deadly. One medical method by which acquired immunity is conferred is inoculation. The term inoculate is fascinating. It comes from two Latin roots: in, meaning “within”; and oculus, meaning “an eye.” The verb to inoculate, therefore, literally means “to put an eye within”—to monitor against harm."
"An affliction like polio can cripple or destroy the body. An affliction like sin can cripple or destroy the spirit. The ravages of polio can now be prevented by immunization, but the ravages of sin require other means of prevention. Doctors cannot immunize against iniquity. Spiritual protection comes only from the Lord5—and in his own way. Jesus chooses not to inoculate, but to indoctrinate. His method employs no vaccine; it utilizes the teaching of divine doctrine—a governing “eye within”—to protect the eternal spirits of his children."

Sunday, December 2, 2018

#LightTheWorld: Give as Jesus gave

This year The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is
continuing it's holiday tradition of #LightTheWorld.  Last year there
was a calendar of 25 days with 25 ways to share your light.  This year
they have modified the schedule into a series of four weeks.

Week 1 - Light the World

Week 2 - Light your Community

Week 3 - Light your Family

Week 4 - Light your Faith

The first week we are encouraged to share our light with the world.

Jesus Christ taught, “Ye are the light of the world.” We can share that
light to all of God’s children when we give as He gave to people near
and far.