Saturday, December 29, 2018

2019 Primary Hand-outs - Week 1

This year I am planning to put together a weekly handout to distribute to the Primary Children each week to give them some guidance on what songs we will be learning and what songs they can work on together as a family during the week.  This is my sample for Week 1:

We will be learning "Come Follow Me" during Primary Music time on January 6th.  I will be giving these out this Sunday (Dec 30th) so they will have the week to practice the song.  The other songs are suggestions that go along with the topic for the week that we are encouraged to study individually and as a family, under the topic "We are responsible for our own learning".

I also plan to post on Facebook in our ward page about the songs we will be singing, with links to the music either on or on YouTube.  Hopefully this is helpful to families this year as they study the gospel together!