Monday, December 31, 2018

A Testimony of the Book of Mormon - October 1999

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1999 General Conference

President Nelson issued a challenge in October at General Conference during the Women's Session to invite all of the sisters to read the Book of Mormon by the end of 2018.  I decided that even though I wasn't a sister, I could still take the invitation and try and reach the challenge - well today I did it!  I finished the last part of Ether and all of Moroni today and was able to meet my goal!  It feels good and it was the fastest I have read the Book of Mormon in a long time!

In this talk given in 1999, then Elder Nelson encourages us:
When you read the Book of Mormon, concentrate on the principal figure in the book—from its first chapter to the last—the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.
He points out that the Book of Mormon truly serves as a testament of Jesus Christ and His divine role, and contains the fullness of the gospel.  I am grateful for the Book of Mormon and love to read the sermons and teachings it contains.  Recently, I have started reading it with a greater eye on the concept of "grace" and have found that many of the chapters that may have sounded somewhat "harsh" in the past (Alma 5 for example) now sound so much more comforting with the idea of us truly relying on the Savior's grace in all we do.