Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Day 4

19 Sept 1998
Day 4 – (if you are keeping track)

Today was a great day! My first Saturday in the MTC, and guess what I did – I went to class and ate! It feels like that is all we do, but it is going fast! We are learning the language quickly, and soon I will be writing in Portuguese! I think that I will write in two journals – one English, one Portuguese – but who knows!

I realized something new today – our afternoon class is actually 3 ½ hours long! It did go quickly, though, because we change subjects and take hourly breaks. I am really enjoying the learning experience along with the spiritual! It gets me excited to teach the Gospel, but it also gets me excited for college! I like to learn things quickly, but thoroughly! The spirit really helps in that process.

My Spanish is helping make Portuguese easier to learn, but the thing they say is that we pass up what I learned in High School by the second or third week! This truly is a great place for learning languages, and the programs they use are so inspired that it comes quickly. The greatest key is to always Speak Your Language (SYL), or as much as you know. This shows you where to improve, as well as helping in retention of what you learn. It is an amazing program, and when combined with the Spirit it can’t be beat!

Our district is getting along well, but we do have things we can work on. We will be setting goals and measuring our progress, so this should help. Other than that things are great! Boa noite!