Monday, December 31, 2018

A Testimony of the Book of Mormon - October 1999

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1999 General Conference

President Nelson issued a challenge in October at General Conference during the Women's Session to invite all of the sisters to read the Book of Mormon by the end of 2018.  I decided that even though I wasn't a sister, I could still take the invitation and try and reach the challenge - well today I did it!  I finished the last part of Ether and all of Moroni today and was able to meet my goal!  It feels good and it was the fastest I have read the Book of Mormon in a long time!

In this talk given in 1999, then Elder Nelson encourages us:
When you read the Book of Mormon, concentrate on the principal figure in the book—from its first chapter to the last—the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.
He points out that the Book of Mormon truly serves as a testament of Jesus Christ and His divine role, and contains the fullness of the gospel.  I am grateful for the Book of Mormon and love to read the sermons and teachings it contains.  Recently, I have started reading it with a greater eye on the concept of "grace" and have found that many of the chapters that may have sounded somewhat "harsh" in the past (Alma 5 for example) now sound so much more comforting with the idea of us truly relying on the Savior's grace in all we do.  

Saturday, December 29, 2018

2019 Primary Hand-outs - Week 1

This year I am planning to put together a weekly handout to distribute to the Primary Children each week to give them some guidance on what songs we will be learning and what songs they can work on together as a family during the week.  This is my sample for Week 1:

We will be learning "Come Follow Me" during Primary Music time on January 6th.  I will be giving these out this Sunday (Dec 30th) so they will have the week to practice the song.  The other songs are suggestions that go along with the topic for the week that we are encouraged to study individually and as a family, under the topic "We are responsible for our own learning".

I also plan to post on Facebook in our ward page about the songs we will be singing, with links to the music either on or on YouTube.  Hopefully this is helpful to families this year as they study the gospel together!

We Are Children of God - October 1998

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1998 General Conference

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Spiritual Capacity - October 1997

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1997 General Conference

"An infant’s body is tiny, and its spiritual capacities are undeveloped. While the body may reach the peak of its maturation in a few years, the development of the spirit may never reach the limit of its capacity, because there is no end to progression."

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Perfection Pending - October 1995

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1995 General Conference

"We all need to remember: men are that they might have joy—not guilt trips! We also need to remember that the Lord gives no commandments that are impossible to obey. But sometimes we fail to comprehend them fully."

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Latter-day Prophets - Updated for 2018

This year one of the songs I taught in Primary was "Latter-day Prophets".  The kids did a great job and picked up on everything really well!  We sang the updated version with President Nelson added to the end, although I did change it a bit from the way it is printed on  The recording we made was so the kids could practice for the Primary Program.

Children of the Covenant - April 1995

by Russell M. Nelson
April 1995 General Conference

"Today it is possible to immunize individuals against conditions that once were disabling—even deadly. One medical method by which acquired immunity is conferred is inoculation. The term inoculate is fascinating. It comes from two Latin roots: in, meaning “within”; and oculus, meaning “an eye.” The verb to inoculate, therefore, literally means “to put an eye within”—to monitor against harm."
"An affliction like polio can cripple or destroy the body. An affliction like sin can cripple or destroy the spirit. The ravages of polio can now be prevented by immunization, but the ravages of sin require other means of prevention. Doctors cannot immunize against iniquity. Spiritual protection comes only from the Lord5—and in his own way. Jesus chooses not to inoculate, but to indoctrinate. His method employs no vaccine; it utilizes the teaching of divine doctrine—a governing “eye within”—to protect the eternal spirits of his children."

Sunday, December 2, 2018

#LightTheWorld: Give as Jesus gave

This year The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is
continuing it's holiday tradition of #LightTheWorld.  Last year there
was a calendar of 25 days with 25 ways to share your light.  This year
they have modified the schedule into a series of four weeks.

Week 1 - Light the World

Week 2 - Light your Community

Week 3 - Light your Family

Week 4 - Light your Faith

The first week we are encouraged to share our light with the world.

Jesus Christ taught, “Ye are the light of the world.” We can share that
light to all of God’s children when we give as He gave to people near
and far.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Two hour church!

It's been a rumor for years, and sometimes it sounds nice and other times it sounded crazy, but as of yesterday it is official - the Sunday schedule for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a two-hour block.  The first hour will be Sacrament Meeting and the second hour will rotate between Sunday School and Relief Society & Elders Quorum for the adults.  They put together a simple graphic to explain the new schedule:

I was curious about when the old three hour block started and found the announcement on

Church Consolidates Meeting Schedule

It happened in March of 1980, and combined all of the meetings that had previously been taking place at different times on Sunday and throughout the week.  It's interesting to read the entire article and see many of the same points being made today about the 2 hour block were made about the 3 hour block.

There was even a chart that looks very similar to the new one:

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Day 4

19 Sept 1998
Day 4 – (if you are keeping track)

Today was a great day! My first Saturday in the MTC, and guess what I did – I went to class and ate! It feels like that is all we do, but it is going fast! We are learning the language quickly, and soon I will be writing in Portuguese! I think that I will write in two journals – one English, one Portuguese – but who knows!

I realized something new today – our afternoon class is actually 3 ½ hours long! It did go quickly, though, because we change subjects and take hourly breaks. I am really enjoying the learning experience along with the spiritual! It gets me excited to teach the Gospel, but it also gets me excited for college! I like to learn things quickly, but thoroughly! The spirit really helps in that process.

My Spanish is helping make Portuguese easier to learn, but the thing they say is that we pass up what I learned in High School by the second or third week! This truly is a great place for learning languages, and the programs they use are so inspired that it comes quickly. The greatest key is to always Speak Your Language (SYL), or as much as you know. This shows you where to improve, as well as helping in retention of what you learn. It is an amazing program, and when combined with the Spirit it can’t be beat!

Our district is getting along well, but we do have things we can work on. We will be setting goals and measuring our progress, so this should help. Other than that things are great! Boa noite!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Day 3

18 Sep 1998
Day three – Things are moving faster now! We had another full day, but it seems like we accomplish so much! This morning we had some preparation time and then went to a Large Group Meeting on The Great Plan of Salvation. After that I had my first gym time.  We went across the street to the field by the Temple and played Frisbee. It was strange wearing “normal clothes” after being in ties for a few days, but I’m sure it will be even stranger as time goes on! After lunch we had class, dinner, and class again. Each class is about 2 ½ hours long, so sometimes they drag on, but we change subjects often enough that they remain interesting.
I got my first package today! It was a box of cookies from the MTC Cookies Company. My mom’s friend Bonnie Flint sent it to me. They were good and freshly made today! I guess I am done writing, though, since it is time for bed! Boa noite! 
Ok, I decided to write more. My goal for the first few days should probably be to fill up at least two pages. I am not feeling as redundant today, so that is a good thing! I guess the only days that will be harder are the big letter writing days! Actually, they could be easier, though, because I will be thinking more and in my letters I have to cover an entire week! I have been tired the past few days but I’m sure I will get used to the schedule and waking up at 6:00!
The beds are different – after sleeping in a waterbed so long it is like being on a board! They are long, though, so that is nice!
 Well, now I am going to bed for real! I need some sleep – I have three long classes tomorrow!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Day 2

17 Sep 1998
Day two – things went great today, but I am very tired!  We are going to bed earlier tonight, so tomorrow should be nice.  The most common saying here is “The days are long, but the weeks are short.”  So far, that seems to be true, but I won’t know until a few weeks have gone by!  I wrote a few letters today during my preparation time.  It was sort of weird, but more of a good thing.  I am excited about learning a language – we did quite a bit today in our classes.  We had three teachers today, and one of them is Brother Frost, who is married to Carolee Truman.  Since there are only six in our class, we have a lot of individual attention.
You know, I am feeling very redundant in my writing, because I wrote much of this in my letters.  I guess every other day that I don’t write letters will be easier.  We’ll wait until tomorrow to see how it goes!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

September 16, 1998 - Day 1

My first entry in my Misison Journal, nearly 20 years ago:

September 16, 1998 

Today is a very important day in my life! I entered the MTC in preparations to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! It has been a wonderful experience so far, and I know there will be many more exciting and spiritual days! I am halting my writing in my other Journal, so for the next two years everything will be in here. It is exciting to think that the time is here! I have waited for this moment for years, and things couldn’t have gone any better! I am getting along great with my first companion – Elder Bugnet – and tonight I was called to be the district leader! We have six in our district, so it is fairly small, but it is a great group! I am over mail delivery & watching over the Elders in our district. My roommates are great – one of them is even obsessive-compulsive (well, slightly). It is going to be great! My companion is from Ogden – isn’t that funny? – and my suite roommates are from Hooper and Mesa, Arizona. We are all going to the same mission (if the Visas go through!) so that makes it exciting also.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Latter-day Prophets Primary Song - 2018 Update

I just realized I hadn't posted a link to our Primary's practice version of "Latter-day Prophets".  We are planning to sing it in our primary program this fall, and I wanted to make a version that included President Nelson.  We recorded us singing it one week and I made a simple video on YouTube that the kids could use to practice with.  Enjoy!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Joy Cometh in the Morning - Oct 1986

by Russell M. Nelson
October 1986 General Conference

This talk title comes from Psalms 30:5 and discusses ways in which we can find true joy.
In order to experience true joy in the morning, or at any time, at least three factors are needed. You need to feel good about the people with whom you live and work—your companions in life. You must feel good about yourself—not in any sense of conceit, but simply a proper esteem for yourself, well deserved. And possibly most important, you must feel good about your relation to God and sincerely love him.

In the Lord's Own Way - April 1986

by Russell M. Nelson
April 1986 General Conference
Every person so baptized who receives the gift of the Holy Ghost, which seals the ordinance, is under solemn covenant with the Lord to obey his commandments. Caring for the poor is one of those commandments.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Reverence for Life - April 1985

Reverence for Life - April 1985 General Conference

In this talk, President Nelson gives a very clear explanation of the Church's view on abortion.  He goes through the various arguments people make in favor of abortion, and gives a rebuttal to each of them.
Yes, life is precious! No one can cuddle a cherished newborn baby, look into those beautiful eyes, feel the little fingers, and caress that miraculous creation without deepening reverence for life and for our Creator.
This talk was given over 30 years go, and still feels very relevant to the deabte today.

Monday, August 20, 2018

FHE - I Am A Child of God

Sing “I Am a Child of God”
Each of us is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents. We lived with them before we were born. Our Heavenly Father knows us personally and loves us. (See Psalm 82:6; Acts 17:28–29; Hebrews 12:9.) 

Scripture Story

Explain that Moses was a great prophet who lived a long time ago. Tell the children that Moses went to a mountain to pray. Invite the children to pretend to climb a mountain; then have them fold their arms as if praying. Open the Pearl of Great Price to Moses 1:4 and say, “God said to Moses, ‘Behold, thou art my son.’ ” Explain that Moses learned that he was a child of God.

Show the picture below, point to a child in the picture, and ask, “Is this person a child of God?” Nod and say yes. Repeat for each child in the picture. Then point to yourself and ask, “Am I a child of God?” Nod and say yes. Emphasize that everyone is a child of God and He knows and loves us all.

We are all children of God and He knows and loves us.